School History 希望中文學校简史
Originally founded in the summer of 1993 by the Chinese Students and Scholars Association of University of Maryland at College Park as a Chinese language school to serve the university community, the school was registered independently with the University and later with the states of Maryland and Virginia under the current name--Hope Chinese School. It was incorporated into a nonprofit under a Board of Directors. With a reputation of outstanding faculty and demanding program, HCS has attracted students far and wide, and grown and expanded quickly. HCS opened Rockville campus (Maryland) in June 1995, Fairfax campus (Virginia) in June 1996, College Park campus (Maryland) in January 1998, and Herndon campus (Virginia) in January 2001. In addition, HCS for Children's Performing Arts was formed in 1996 offering classes in dancing, chorus, and orchestra, and giving performances on various festivals to promote Chinese culture and arts. HCS for Athletics was formed in 1998. It provides training and practice programs in these sport events: basketball, volleyball, badminton, tennis, martial arts, and swimming. Currently Hope Chinese School has over 4000 students enrolled in all campuses.
Mission of Hope Chinese School 希望中文学校办校宗旨
Hope Chinese School (HCS) is a nondenominational, independent school. It provides an educational setting for the people of the Washington metropolitan area to learn the modern Chinese language using Pin-Yin (phonetic writing system) and simplified characters. Hope Chinese School strives to encourage students to cherish Chinese culture and heritage, foster and enhance friendship among Chinese-American community, and contribute to the mutual understanding and appreciation of Chinese and other cultures.
School Management Team 学校管理队伍
许振华 Xu, zhenhua |
校长, 理事 Principal, Board Member zhxustc@gmail.com |
马迎涛 Ma, Yingtao |
副理事长 Vice Chair of Board yingtao.ma@gmail.com |
张吉润 Zhang, Jirun |
理事,会计 Board Member,Accountant bluecx@hotmail.com |
潘志刚 Pan, Zhigang |
理事 Board Member panzhigang520@gmail.com |
高群 Gao, Qun |
理事 Board Member pqgao@yahoo.com |
张婕 Zhang, Jie |
教务长 Dean jiezhang_1999@yahoo.com |
Tuition, Registration Fee, and Refund Policy 学杂费及退款规则
- 注册费计算 (2022春季开始生效): 每个家庭中, 每个学生 $20.
Registration Fee (Effective starting at 2022 Spring) : For each family, the registration fee is $20 per student.
- 退款原则及办法: 开学10天内, 退学费 100%。 11-20天内, 退学费 50%。 开学20天以后,不予退款 (换课免费). 开学后注册费一律不能退款。 需退款者开学后请于注册组填好表, 退款支票可于开学10周后开出。
Refund Policy:Refund Policy: If you cancel registration for a class within ten days from the start of the semester, the school will refund 100% of the tuition. Eleven days after the semester starts up until the twentieth day, the school will refund only 50% of the tuition. There is no refund of tuition after the twentieth day. However, registration fee is not refundable after the semester starts up.
- 每个班按学校规定的人数注册, 满员为止. 已注册的班人数少于6人,学校有权取消该课, 将学生并入其他的班级.
Each class has a maximal enrollment limit. Registration will stop when the limit is reached. If the number of students in a class is fewer than six, the school has the right to cancel the class or merge the class with another one.
- 上学期帐户结余的转换: 注册系统已自动将您的帐户的结余(无论 + 或- )转到新的学期结算. 若您自行在网上查看及打印注册表, 系统会自动算出最终所需的学费. 如您用手工计算最终学费, 请到注册组查看上学期的 "balance overdue" 或 "balance overpay" 表.
At the end of each semester, your account balance will be transferred to the next semester automatically. You can check your balance online any time or at the registration desk during a school day.
- 交费原则: 注册后两星期内交费. 对于没按时交费的家庭学校保留收取附加手续费的权利.
Payment is required within two weeks of registration . If payment is not received on time, the school reserves the right to cancel unpaid classes and/or charge a late fee.
- 交费方法: (注册完的用户). 网上注册的用户请自行进入您的家庭帐户, 打印注册表, 手工注册的用户请到注册组填写 注册表. 将打印好的注册表和支票一同交到学校注册组或郵寄到:
HCSCP, 14417 Fairdale Road, Silver Spring, MD 20905. 请提前邮寄以保证学校两周内收到支票.
Payment Method: You can pay at the registration desk or mail your payment. For those who register online, please print a copy your registration, mail it along with your check (payable to HCS) to the following address: HCSCP, 14417 Fairdale Road, Silver Spring, MD 20905. Please mail your payment early so that the school can receive it within two weeks of registration.